Troubled by Dog Pee Spots on your lawn?

Until recently the only solutions have been tablets you give your dog (really?? – bad idea) and they don’t really work according to my vet.

There are some solutions like Dog Spot Solution that is expensive, messy and hard to use.

THere are some solutions like Grass Saver or Dog Rocks, but these products don’t provide a real solution – unless training your dog to pee on specific rocks is your specialty.

NOW A SOLUTION TO DOG PEE SPOTS ON YOUR LAWN – one that really works!!

DOGGY GREEN UP! an all natural, pet and family safe solution that you simply sprinkle on your Dog’s favorite pee spot and our special blend of organic nutrients and specialized microbes go to work to balance the soil pH made acidic by your dogs pee and to convert the ammonia and Uric Acid that are burning the lawn into available nitrogen.


No more Dog Pee Spots or Dog Urine Spots on your grass or lawn.

Interested?  Learn more and buy Doggy Green Up! from a favorite retailer or buy direct here.